檔案大小:76.6 MB
版本需求:系統需求:iOS 11.4 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。
Experience top notch field service management with a handy app that can help you create and manage work orders. FieldCo. helps you locate field personnel, organize work calendars, and plan weekly schedules accordingly.
FieldCo. greatly increases team efficiency by reducing old fashioned ways of service management.
It is a truly flexible product that can adapt easily to SMEs' and large enterprises. A landscaping company with three employees will benefit as much as an HVAC company with 100+ employees.
FieldCo. is integrated with various ERP softwares such as Xero and Quickbooks as well as Google Calendar.
Try FieldCo. today and share with us how 16 years of experience in field service management helped you!
支援平台:iPhone, iPad